ọkọlọtọ ibe

Agba agba

  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 132 | 61725-85-7

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 132 | 61725-85-7

    International Equivalents Oil Red 808 Orgalon Red 321-T (PYLAM)Orasol Red 2BL (GEIGY)Irgacet Red 2BL (ORIENT)Red 3320 (IDI)Navipon Red 2BL (KKK) Valifast Red 3320 Product Specification Product Name Solvent Red Solvent Number 5BLG 127 Solubility (g / l) Carbinol 200 Ethanol 200 N-butanol 300 MEK 200 Anone 200 MIBK 200 Ethyl acetate 100 Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 300 Ngwa ngwa nguzogide ọkụ 4-5 H ...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 127 | 61969-48-0

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 127 | 61969-48-0

    International Equivalents (BASF)Neozapon Pink 478 (CLARIANT)Saviny Pink 6BLS (PYLAM)Intraplast Pink 5BLG (MZ)Meco Fast Red R-16 (IDI)Navipon Pink 5BLG (CIBA)Orasol Pink 5BLG (STANDARD)Permalex Pink 5BLG Product Specification Aha Solvent Red 5BLG Index Number Solvent Red 127 Solubility(g/l) Carbinol 200 Ethanol 200 N-butanol 300 MEK 200 Anone 200 MIBK 200 Ethyl acetate 100 Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 300 ...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 124 | 12239-74-6

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 124 | 12239-74-6

    International Equivalents (NZC)Meco Fast Red R-357 (CLARIANT)Savinyl Fire Red 3GLS Acetosol Fire Red 3GLS Product Specification Product Name Solvent Red 3GLS Index Number Solvent Red 124 Solubility(g/l) Carbinol 200 ethanol 200 N-butanol 300 MEK Anone 200 MIBK 200 Ethyl acetate 100 Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 300 Fastness Light eguzogide 4-5 Okpomọkụ Nguzogide 120 Acid Nguzogide 4-5 Alkali resista ...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 122 | 12227-55-3

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 122 | 12227-55-3

    International Equivalents (BASF)Neozapon Red 335 Neozapon Red BE Oleosol Fast Red RL Vail Fast Red 3306 (PYLAM)Hostadye Red BE (IDI)Navipon Red B Technosol Red BE (KKK) Valifast Red 3312 Product Specification Product Name Solvent Red KL Index Number Solvent Red. Uhie 122 Solubility (g/l) Carbinol 100 Ethanol 100 N-butanol 100 MEK 400 Anone 400 MIBK 400 Ethyl acetate 200 Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 400 Fastness Light r...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 119 | 12237-27-3

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 119 | 12237-27-3

    International Equivalents (BASF) Neozapon Red 355 Mmanụ Ọkụ Red G Neozapon Ọkụ Red Simpsol Red 24421 Mmanụ Red 807 Product Specification Product Name Solvent Fire Red G Index Number Solvent Red 119 Solubility(g/l) Carbinol 200 ethanol 200 N-butanol 300 MEK Anone 300 MIBK - Ethyl acetate - Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 200 Ngwa ngwa nguzogide ọkụ 4-5 Okpomọkụ na-eguzogide 120 Acid Nguzogide 4-5 Alk...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 109 | 53802-03-2

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 109 | 53802-03-2

    International Equivalents (BASF)Neozapon Red 346 Red 24449 Ngwa ngwa ọkụ Red B mmanụ Red 306 (BASF)Zapon Fast Red B (KKK) Valifast Red 1306 Red 1306 Product Specification Product Name mgbaze Ọkụ Red BN Index Number mgbaze Red 109 Solubility(g/l) ) Carbinol 300 Ethanol 300 N-butanol 300 MEK 200 Anone 300 MIBK - Ethyl acetate - Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 300 Fastness Light eguzogide 3-4 Okpomọkụ na-eguzogide ...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 49 | 509-34-2

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 49 | 509-34-2

    International Equivalents (BASF) Neptun Red Base 543 Mmanụ Pink 312 Solvent Red BN Dayglo Solvent Red 49 (ROSE) Rosaplast Rhodamine B Base (KKK) Orient Mmanụ Pink 312 Victosol Pink Product Specification Product Name Solvent Red BN Index Number Solvent Red 49 Solubility(g) /l) Carbinol 100 Ethanol 100 N-butanol 80 MEK 100 Anone 100 MIBK 100 Ethyl acetate - Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 200 Fastness Light eguzogide 5-6 ...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 32 | 6406-53-7

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 32 | 6406-53-7

    Ngwaahịa Nkọwapụta Ngwaahịa Aha Mgbaze Red CB Index Number mgbaze Red 32 Solubility(g/l) Carbinol 200 Ethanol 200 N-butanol 100 MEK 500 Anone 200 MIBK 150 Ethyl acetate 200 Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 2000-200 ọkụ ọkụ na-eguzogide Heat nguzogide 5 Alkali Ngosipụta 5 Nkọwa ngwaahịa metal mgbagwoju ihe mgbaze agba nwere ọmarịcha Solubility na miscibility n'ọtụtụ dịgasị iche iche ...
  • Ihe mgbaze uhie 8 | 33270-70-1

    Ihe mgbaze uhie 8 | 33270-70-1

    International Equivalents (ORIENT)Valifast Red 3304 Bright Red 2RDH Dayglo Solvent Red 8 (KELLY)Orgalon Red 304 (IGF)Zapon Fast Red BE (CLARIANT)SAVINYL Red 2BLSE (RATHI)Rathipon Red 2BLSE Nọmba nkọwapụta Ngwaahịa Aha Solvent Red BL Index Uhie 8 Solubility (g/l) Carbinol 100 Ethanol 100 N-butanol 100 MEK 400 Anone 400 MIBK 400 Ethyl acetate 200 Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 400 Fastness Light r...
  • Agbaze oroma 99 | 110342-29-5

    Agbaze oroma 99 | 110342-29-5

    International Equivalents (BASF)Neozapon Orange 272 Zapon Orange 272 Solvent Orange 99 (CIBA)Orasol Orange RG (MZ)Meco Fast Orange O-72 (COSMONAUT)Technosol Orange RG (RATHI)Rathipon Orange RG Nkọwapụta Ngwaahịa Aha Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa Ngwa. Solvent Orange 99 Solubility(g/l) Carbinol 100 Ethanol 100 N-butanol 100 MEK 400 Anone 400 MIBK 400 Ethyl acetate 200 Xyline - Ethyl cellulose 400 Fastne...
  • Agbaze oroma 62 | 52256-37-8

    Agbaze oroma 62 | 52256-37-8

    International Equivalents (PYLAM)Lampranol Solvent Orange R Acid Orange 92 Light Orange R (GCI)Complesol Orange 6209 (KELLY)Orgalon Orange 209 Solvent Orange 262 (RATHI)Rathipon Orange R (ROSE)Rosafast Orange M2R Product Specification Product Name Solvent Orange 2A Index Number Solvent Orange 62 Solubility(g/l) Carbinol 100 Ethanol 100 N-butanol 100 MEK 400 Anone 400 MIBK 400 Ethyl acetate 200 Xyline - Ethyl cellulos...
  • Agba oroma 58 | 71775-93-4

    Agba oroma 58 | 71775-93-4

    Ngwaahịa Nkọwapụta Ngwaahịa Aha Mgbaze Orange RL Index Number Mgbaze oroma 58 Solubility(g/l) Carbinol 100 Ethanol 100 N-butanol 100 MEK 400 Anone 400 MIBK 400 Ethyl acetate 200 Xyline 50 Ethyl cellulose 404-5 nguzogide ọkụ na-eguzogide ngwa ngwa. nguzogide 5 Alkali eguzogide 5 Nkọwa ngwaahịa metal mgbagwoju ihe mgbaze agba nwere ọmarịcha Solubility na miscibility na obosara ra ...